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Middle Division

Guides for students and teachers from grades 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10

One of the crucial parts of your research is the planning stage. If you begin your work well organized, it will be easy to follow up. Besides, you will have time to revise and reflect on the final version of your paper. 

Here you will find some tips:

  • Organize a timeline for the following actions: looking for sources of information, taking notes, and organizing them. 
  • As you find a relevant source of information, you should read it, take notes, and add it to your bibliography.
  • Your bibliography should be active. You should add resources as you find them.
  • Try something new and use the suggested tools. If you find something better, let us know. We will add them to our recommended Tech tools.

Academic integrity

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

“Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.” 

Oprah Winfrey

Academic integrity is:

  • A principle in education.

  • A choice to act in a responsible way.

  • A matter of trust. 

A foundation for ethical decision-making and behavior in the production of authentic, legitimate, and honest work.

Note taking

Whenever you are studying for an assessment, reading for a project, or researching,  you apply different strategies to remember new information. When you write notes, it helps you to remember better than just reading or listening.
The Cornell Note-taking system will help you to understand and retain information. Below, you will find two videos that will guide you through the process.

How to use Cornell notes?

Note taking template

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